Tra ining Li st
1 Administrative Courses
Accountability in the Workplace
Administrative Support
Meeting Management
Organization Skills
Supply Chain Management
2 / Career Development Courses
Building Confidence and assertiveness
Communication Strategies
Creative Problem Solving
Creativity: Thinking Outside the Box
Developing Creativity
Interpersonal Skills
Leadership Development for Women
Time Management
3 / Human Resources Courses
Crisis Management
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Generation Gaps
Employee Onboarding
Employee Termination Process
Health and Wellness at Work
Managing Workplace Harassment
Millennial Onboarding
Talent Management
Unconscious Bias
Universal work Practices
Workplace Harassment
Workplace Violence
4 Personal Development
Adult Learning - Mental Skills
Adult Learning - Physical Skills
Anger Mangement -
Being A Likeable Boss
Critical Thinking
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Improving Mindfulness
Improving Self-Awareness
Managing Personal Finances
Personal Productivity
Managing Workplace Anxiety
Social Intelligence
Stress Management
Taking Initiative
Work-Life Balance
5 / Supervisor and Manager Courses
Developing New Managers
Employee Motivation
Facilitation Skills
Knowledge Management
Leadership and Influence
Manager Management
Performance Management
Supervising Others
Trust Building and Resilience Development
6 / Workplace Essentials Courses
Business Ethics
Business Etiquette
Change Management
Civility in the Workplace
Delivering Constructive Criticism
Respect in the Workplace
Responsibility in the Workplace
Risk Assessment and Management
Safety in the Workplace
Team Building for Managers
Teamwork and Team Building
Workplace Bullying